“About poetry compiled in the first anthology, Manyo-Shu
by Yoshihiro Kuromichi”
translator : Mutsuo Shukuya
auditor : Bruce Wyman

The second verse of Manyo-Shu Vol. I(choka-long poem)
composed by Emperor, Jyomei,
when he watched his country standing on the Mt. Kaguyama

Ya ma to ni ha/ mu ra ya ma are do/ To ri yo ro fu/ a ma no ka gu ya ma
No bo ri ta chi/ ku ni mi wo su re ba/ Ku ni ha ra ha/ ke mu ri ta tsu ta tsu
U na ha ra ha/ ka ma me ta tsu ta tsu/ U ma shi ku ni zo/ a ki tsu shi ma
Ya ma to no ku ni ha

When I look around/ the grand fields of my country
standing on the peak,/ one of the most wonderful,
Mt. Kaguyama,/ up which I climb this morning,
I find thin columns/ of smoke rising from each house,
while I watch the birds/ flying out above the ponds:
I would like to tell/ all the people and give my
thanks to the great creator.

About poetry composition as one of the Emperor's duties
This poem above suggests us that poetry composition was thought of as one of the duties of each emperor who is given talent to communicate with the creator through poetry. That is to say, he is regarded originally not as the creator himself but as an individual who can communicate with the creator while he is Emperor, but that he will lose this ability after he leaves his position as Emperor. (Of course, in those days everyone seemed to have a talent to communicate with the creator through poetry but the Emperor seemed to have the best ability to do so.)
Today this thought may seem to be anti-scientific, but I would like to declare that the Emperor himself should show us such poetry as a message from the creator, at least from the sprit of each year itself, as well as poems in which he expresses his personal impression about his ordinary life.
Although I understand the feelings of people from other countries who oppose the old Imperial system and who would not attribute any special talents, such as composing poetry as a message from the creator, to the Emperor, I hope those in charge of the Imperial Household Agency suggest to him that one of his tasks is to compose poetry as a prayer for peace and happiness for the people of the world, or at least Japan, and such poetry as encourages people to make effort in their lives, on the basis of the historical facts.

万葉集入門巻一(二)神への祈りの歌 「大和には 郡山あれど とりよろふ…」

大和(やまと)には/郡山(むらやま)あれど/ とりよろふ/ 天(あま)の香具山(かぐやま) 
登り立ち 国見(くにみ)をすれば/ 国原(くにはら)は/ 煙(けぶり)立つ立つ 
海原(うなはら)は/?(かまめ)立つ立つ/うまし国そ/ 蜻蛉島(あきづしま)/大和の国は 

大和には多くの山があるけれど とりわけ立派な天の香具山 その頂に登って大和の国を見渡せば 土地からはご飯を炊く煙がたくさん立っているよ 池には水鳥たちがたくさん飛び交っているよ ほんとうに美しい国だ この蜻蛉島大和の国は







Copyright(c) 2010 Yoshihiro Kuromichi (plabotnoitanji@yahoo.co.jp)